Thank you all for being patient. I hope I haven't lost your interest. Much has happened in the past 5 months since I last posted and and I will be talking about that in future blogs. But today I wanted to let you know that after these months of living life at a slower pace, I am coming back busier than ever. Besides continuing to add new pieces to my shop at , I have two craft events scheduled for this fall and my paintings are featured in a solo show.
The solo show is actually a Solo Wall as part of a larger show sponsored by the HyattsvilleCommunityArtAssociation ( .) I have titled it "One Summer In Maine" and it features some of the things that excite and inspire me about living in Maine. If any of you live in the Washington, DC area and want to see the show, just make a comment and I'll send you the information.
In November I will have a booth at the Montgomery Village Holiday Craft Bazaar ( ). This bazaar has been around for many years, so I have a good feeling about it. Right now I am planning my booth and how to best display my jewelry. I will also be offering notecards, calendars and paintings for sale.
In December I am participating in a "Home Show." This was the idea of my friend and she has generously offered her house as the sale site. At least four artists will be showing their work and there will be a variety of things to choose from. I am most excited about this sale.
Besides unpacking and trying to get my life in order after so long away from home, all my spare time is spent creating new pieces of jewelry so that I will have plenty of stock to offer. It is hard to know when to stop. I could run out of things early on; or I could have a box full of jewelry to store in my closet.